Space Tersedia (Cantact Me)

Swan Dive - Goodbye September Lyric

Kemaren - kemaren sahabat gue si Ucrit minta lirik lagu sama gue. katanya dia cari - cari di internet pun kaga ada. Yaitu "Swan Dive - Goodbye September". and pas gue coba cari - cari di internet, itu lirik lagu emang susah banget di cari. Ampe puyeng pun ini kepala tetep aja gue gak nemuin satupun lirik lagu tersebut.
Ya udah deh, Dengan agak sedikit malas.. gue nyoba manual aja. sambil dengerin sambil nyatet. tapi maklum ndeso, denger lagu berbahasa inggris kayaknya sulit banget connect. Dont worry sist, liriknya udah ada ko berkat ka Fherlita. Tapi sekalian gue share aja ke temen - temen semua. karna lagunya emang enak banget. oke Cekidot...!!!

Swan Dive - Goodbye September Lyric
goodbye september the saddest divert
school days are over and down on the playground
the birds dont sing for feel like they did
maybe is that i was jokin we were just kids

and i dont know what im gonna do without you
i dont know what im gonna do without you
i dont know what im gonna do without you
now that you're gone

i still remember the way that u look
keep on its weather and always along with
the book a phone and pieces of true
you are the 1 that they forget most likely too

change come everywhere
strange as it seems
youre still the one that i see in my dream

goodbye september the world is awake
winking the sunlight and more than im happy to take a breath
of sweet morning air
i hear ur song everywhere
dont know what im gonna do without you.

Lyric by : Fherlita

About the Author : . Jangan tanya kenapa anak labil ini bisa menulis. Andra sangat menyukai Semua hal di bidang Informatika. Sesekali menulis Tentang Keseharian dan wawasan yang banyak di jumapainya.


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